

assalamualaikum :)

okay this is not my story,
it's sad right if we love someone who are not love us?
however, do we need to make him love us?
i'm just pity to a girl who has a story like this.

love is a pure feeling.
please don't make it dirty of yourself.
just think, if that guy is not for you,not your fate.
and you just do everything for him,is it alright?
i don't think so.

just believe, a good man for a good woman.
a bad man for  a bad woman.
Allah has promised that to us,
do't you believe in him?

"wanita yg baik ibarat mawar yg berduri,hanya yg layak boleh mghampiri"
please be like the rose.

chocolate riceku :)

alah,lbih kreng cmni la ak wt coklat rice.
tp,ny gmba mn tah ak cilok,
tp yg ak wt 2 bulat2,comel2.
ny pesal tah petak plak dy.

da lme plak ak t'ingn nk wt mnde ni sndri,
last2 t'buat gk,
credit 2 akk ekin yg tlg aja n bg rsepi.
also my mum yg sme2 wt.

nak rase,sggh uma cekk.
2 pon klau ad ag,
abg ngn adk ak tu bkn ley cye sgtt.
